Deliver collagen precisely where it’s needed.
BIOCOL™ is a bovine collagen powder in an advanced accordion dispenser to deliver collagen precisely where you need it to promote a moist wound healing environment.
• Advanced accordion dispenser delivers collagen exactly where it is needed
• BIOCOL contains 100% hydrolyzed collagen prepared from TYPE I collagen
• Supplies nutritive proteins and amino acids directly to the wound site
• Easily reaches deep into tunneling or undermined wounds

Accelerate wound healing with the power of pure collagen.
BIOPAD™ is a primary dressing composed of 100% native equine Type I collagen that can accelerate the closure of hard-to-heal wounds.
• Type I collagen of equine origin that keeps its native structure.1
• Protects the wound bed from the outer environment, constituting a barrier against exogenous infective agents.
• Stimulates the formation of new granulation tissue, the proliferation of fibroblasts, and the deposition of new collagen fibers.1,2
• Absorbs wound exudate and can control minor bleeding.

1. Rangaraj, A. & Harding, K & Leaper, D. (2011). Role of collagen in wound management. Wounds. 7.
2. Karr,J&Taddei,A&Picchietti,S&Gambellini,G&Fausto,A&Giorgi,F.(2011).AMorphologicalandBiochemicalAnalysisComparativeStudyoftheCollagenProductsBiopad, Promogram, Puracol, and Colactive. Advances in skin & wound care. 24. 208-16. 10.1097/01.ASW.0000397897.18003.ce.
3. Beghé, F & Menicagli, C & Neggiani, P & Zampieri, A & Trallori, L & Teta, E & Rosini, S. (1992). Lyophilized non-denatured type-I collagen (Condress) extracted from bovine Achilles’ tendon and suitable for clinical use. International journal of tissue reactions. 14 Suppl. 11-9.
4. Niebauer, G & Oz, M & Goldschmidt, M & Lemole, G. (1989). Simultaneous Use of Microfibrillar Collagen Hemostat and Blood Saving Devices in a Canine Kidney Perfusion Model. The Annals of thoracic surgery. 48. 523-7. 10.1016/S0003-4975(10)66854-3.
5. Fleck, C & Chakravarthy, D. (2007). Understanding the Mechanisms of Collagen Dressings. Advances in skin & wound care. 20. 256-9. 10.1097/01.ASW.0000269310.00145.e2.
6. Laghezza Masci, V & Taddei, A.R. & Gambellini, G & Giorgi, F & Fausto, A.M. (2017): Interaction And Cell Proliferation In Bioactive Collagen Matrices. Poster Session – SAWC Spring 2017