Shop by Condition: Diabetic Foot Ulcers

What causes diabetic foot ulcers?

The root cause is a combination of factors resulting from diabetes, primarily decreased blood flow to the limbs. This can be exacerbated by high blood glucose levels and nerve damage resulting in numbness of the limbs.

Loss of feeling in the limb may cause the patient to overlook an ulcer until it has reached a severe stage, becoming infected and difficult to heal. (source)

What does a diabetic foot ulcer look like?

Generally, DFU’s will appear as a round, red, open crater surrounded by calloused skin. They can vary in severity, from shallow and manageable to deep and highly exuding. Often, they will actively discharge blood or pus and can be very difficult to heal.

If severe, they may be deep enough to reveal tendons and/or bones in the foot. (source)

How do you prevent diabetic foot ulcers?

If you are suffering from diabetes, it is important to consult with your doctor or other medical professional to keep your blood sugar at an optimal level. Plans to this end may include diet management, exercise, insulin or other medications. This is important not only for preventing ulcers, but for your health generally.

If you have high blood pressure, take measures to reduce it by practicing good nutrition and eating habits, staying physically active, and avoiding tobacco. (source)

How do you treat diabetic foot ulcers?

Treat a DFU by following these steps:

  1. Take pressure off the foot. Also called “off-loading,” this involves making arrangements for the patient to move around while putting as little weight on the foot as possible. This will likely involve the use of a cane, crutches or a special boot.
  2. Clean and debride the ulcer. Like any wound, keeping the area clean and free of dead tissue is a must. In addition to basic first aid, it may be necessary to gently remove necrotic tissue with a product like Debrisoft.
  3. Apply dressings. Always keep the wound covered with a dressing that promotes a moist healing environment, such as a hydrocolloid or hydrogel. Foam dressings may also be necessary for absorption of exudate. If the ulcer is severe enough, you may also want to consider a silver dressing to protect against infection, and/or a collagen to promote healing.
  4. Monitor blood sugar levels – high glucose will inhibit healing. (source)

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