How to Use a Shower Protection Cover

Patients who have recently experienced an injury or undergone a medical procedure are often left with a wound in the process of healing. With all the details of treating and dressing the abrasion on the patient’s mind, they may not be aware of products that can help with everyday activities, like bathing. 

That’s where a shower protection cover can come in handy. Read on to learn when to use shower protection covers and how they can help take care of your wound as it heals!

Keeping Your Wound Dry

As a general practice, avoid getting the wound and surrounding area wet for 24 to 48 hours after surgery or treatment. At this stage, to bathe the rest of your body, take a sponge bath and avoid the wound. Be sure to follow your doctor’s treatment plan.

Past the 48-hour mark, you’ll likely be able to get your whole body wet, but with restrictions. Baths should be avoided — showers are preferred. During your shower, make sure to adequately cover and protect the wound. Otherwise, water can soften the dressing or be absorbed by the material, potentially resulting in loss of adhesion. This can adversely affect healing and, even if the dressing stays in place, may invite the growth of bacteria. 

Avoid using soap on the wound, as this can dry out or irritate the area. Don’t add lotion or talcum power to the wound or surrounding skin, as these can also cause irritation, or even a painful reaction.

In terms of bathing and dressing changes, consider scheduling both on the same day. Change your dressing after you’ve finished showering. 

Using a Shower Protection Cover

Multiple brands offer shower covers, Shower Shield being one of the Monks’ most popular. These tend to be made with polyurethane or another waterproof latex-free material and feature adhesive backing. 

In order to bathe as your wound heals, placing a waterproof protection cover over the dressing is recommended.

Also notable: the same process can be used to protect areas with a catheter, IV line or stoma.

To use:

– Make sure the cover is sized for your dressing: It should cover the dressing and part of the surrounding skin. Measure the area first to select the appropriate size. 

– Avoid having the cover’s adhesive directly touch the dressing. Instead, make sure it sits on the skin outside its border. You may need to trim — not shave — any hair in this area for a more comfortable fit. 

– The shower shield should not be placed over or directly on an open wound.

– Realize that shower shields are not designed for complete submersion, and will not protect a wound in a bath, pool, hot tub or similar environment. 

– To apply, remove the paper backing. Then, with a dressing being secured to the wound, place the cover over the dressing site. You’ll need to smooth out the material from the center to the edges for a secure fit.

– After your shower, remove the shower guard by peeling off the material in the same direction as your body’s hair growth. Go slow to prevent damaging the dressing underneath. 

– Shower protection covers are single-use solutions and should be disposed of after use.

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