In the world of wound care, timing can make all the difference. Treating wounds early isn’t just a good idea – it can be a game-changer in how quickly and effectively a wound heals.
This guide explores the benefits of early wound treatment, focusing on an innovative solution called Promogran Matrix Family dressings, an advanced collagen dressing that significantly improves healing rates and outcomes.¹⁻⁴
There are two different solutions:
- 3M™ Promogran Prisma™ Collagen Matrix with ORC and Silver
- 3M™ Promogran™ Collagen Matrix with ORC
Throughout, we’ll refer to this group collectively as the Promogran Matrix Family.
Why Early Wound Treatment Matters
Consider a minor cut or scrape. When cleaned and covered immediately, it typically heals quickly without complications. However, if left untreated, the wound may worsen, delay healing, or become infected.
There is another group of wounds: hard-to-heal. These wounds typically show no progress or fail to reduce in size by 40-50% within 4 weeks. Whether a wound is healing or could become stalled, the decisions healthcare professionals make early on can play an important role in wound healing trajectory.⁵
This highlights a fundamental principle in wound care: timely treatment significantly increases the likelihood of rapid and successful healing.
Consequences of Delayed Treatment
Delaying proper treatment for wounds may lead to complications and could lead to hard-to-heal wounds. Healthcare professionals emphasize the importance of addressing wounds promptly to ensure better outcomes.
Potential risks of not treating wounds early⁵:
- Delayed healing
- Increased cost to treat and heal
- Unnecessary utilization of healthcare resources
- Patient quality-of-life impact
Promogran Matrix Family of Collagen Dressings: Advanced Solution for Early Wound Care
A key solution in early wound treatment is the Promogran Matrix Family of Collagen Dressings. These advanced dressings go beyond traditional bandages, marking a significant advancement in wound care technology.
Early usage of Promogran Matrix Family may lead to improved success rates.¹⁻⁴
What Makes the Promogran Matrix Family Special?
Promogran Matrix Family of collagen dressings create an ideal environment for wound healing. Think of them as making an environment that gives your wound the best possible healing conditions. Program Matrix Family has demonstrated that it is:
- Cost Effective⁶: Using Promogran Matrix Family dressings has the potential to lower the total cost of treatment due to reduced nursing time and improved healing rates.
- Can Increase Number of Wounds Closed⁷: A systematic review of 10 clinical studies (n=1521) showed wounds treated using Promogran Matrix Family dressings can significantly increase the number of wounds closed.
- Has Fewer Withdrawals due to Infection²: An RCT showed fewer withdrawals because of infection with Promogran Prisma Matrix.
How Promogran Matrix Family of Collagen Dressings Has Helped Patients
Real-world examples highlight the impact of Promogran Matrix Family dressings in wound care. See below an example showing its effectiveness in healing a stalled wound, and the key findings on cost effectiveness.
Helping Foot Ulcers Heal
This case highlights a 7-month-old diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) healing in 14 weeks.
A 74-year-old male presented with a 2.5cm, 7-month-old wound on the bottom of the right foot. The case highlights that at week 12 there was a:
- 97.6% reduction of MMP activity
- 51.3% reduction in elastase activity
This suggests that Promogran Matrix Family of Collagen Dressings might help kick-start wound healing when previously stalled.
Cost-Effective Care
Healthcare costs are a concern for everyone. Promogran Matrix Family helps to improve healing rates¹⁻⁴ which helps lift a burden of non-healing wounds to the healthcare system.
In an RCT on VLU’s, the median wound area reduction in a 12-week period was 82.4% vs. 44.6% in the control group. Similarly, in an RCT on DFU’s, the median wound healing at 4 weeks was 79% for Promogran Matrix Family vs. 43% in the control group.
How to Use Promogran in Wound Care
The application of Promogran Matrix Family dressings is straightforward; however, it is recommended to be used under the supervision of a healthcare professional.
- Prepare the wound: Prepare the wound bed per your standard wound care protocol and debride when necessary.
- Application: The dressing is placed directly into the entire wound bed. For wounds with low or no exudate, apply the dressing and hydrate with saline solution.
- Secondary Dressing: To maintain a moist wound healing environment, the dressing must be covered with a semi-occlusive dressing or non-occlusive secondary dressing and fixed to the skin with tape. For heavily draining wounds, apply a super-absorbent dressing like 3M™ Kerramax Care™ Super-Absorbent Dressing.
- Dressing Changes: After initial application, reapply Promogran Matrix Family dressings to the wound daily or per your healthcare providers instructions. It is not necessary to remove any residual Promogran Matrix Family dressings during dressing changes. The Kerramax Care Super-Absorbent Dressing can be left in place for seven days or be changed as needed per your healthcare providers instructions.
3M™ Kerramax Care™ Super-Absorbent Dressing: An Ideal Combination with Promogran Matrix Family
While our focus is on Promogran Matrix Family of collagen dressings, the Kerramax Care Super-Absorbent Dressing is worth mentioning as a complementary product.
Kerramax Care dressings can be used as a secondary dressing over Promogran Matrix Family dressings for wounds that produce an excess of fluid. Promogran Matrix Family is designed to effectively manage the wound by providing a conducive environment for healing, reducing the risk of infection, and promoting tissue regeneration. Meanwhile, Kerramax Care is specifically formulated to expertly handle exudate, ensuring optimal moisture balance, preventing maceration, and enhancing patient comfort.
The key takeaway from this information is that early intervention in wound care can lead to improved outcomes. Promogran Matrix Family of collagen dressings provides a comprehensive solution for early wound management, potentially enhancing healing rates compared to standard of care.
However, it is important to recognize that each wound is unique, and optimal treatment may vary for everyone. Consulting with a healthcare professional is essential for an accurate assessment and personalized treatment plan.

The MEDICAL MONKS STAFF brings to the table decades of combined knowledge and experience in the medical products industry.
Edited for content by JORDAN GAYSO.
Note: Specific indications, contraindications, warnings, precautions, and safety information exist for these products and therapies. Please consult a clinician and product instructions for use prior to application. Rx only.
- Cullen B, et al. Early adoption of collagen/ORC therapies improves clinical outcome. Paper presented at: Wounds UK Harrogate, 2011.
- Gottrup F, Cullen B, Karlsmark T, Bischoff-Mikkelsen M, Nisbet L, Gibson M. Randomized controlled trial on collagen/oxidized regeneratedcellulose/silver treatment. Wound Repair & Regeneration. 2013; 21:1-10.
- Veves A, Sheehan P, Pham HT. A randomised controlled trial of Promogran (a collagen/ oxidized regenerated cellulose dressing)vs standard treatment in the management of diabetic foot ulcers. Arch Surg. 2002; 137(7):822-827.
- Vin, F., Teot, L. and Meaume, S. (2002) The healing properties of Promogran in venous leg ulcers. J Wound Care, 11, 335-341.
- Beeckman D, Cooper M,Greenstein E, et al. The role community-basedhealthcare providers play in managing hard-to-heal wounds. Int Wound J. 2024;21(1):e14402.doi:10.1111/iwj.1440212 of 12 BEECKMAN ET AL .
- Snyder, R. et al. A Retrospective Study of Sequential Therapy with Advanced Wound Care Products versus Saline Gauze Dressings: Comparing Healing and Cost. Ostomy Wound Management. 2010; 56(11A):9-12.
- Chen Y, Du P, Lv G. A meta-analysis examined the effect of oxidized regenerated cellulose/collagen dressing on the management of chronix skin wounds. Int Wound J. 2023; 20(5):1544-1551. Doi:10.1111/iwj.14009CHENET AL.1551
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